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Our services for manufacturers of endovascular products

Endovascular therapy has a brief, yet remarkable tradition. It is worthwile to think about its roots! The pioneers of endovascular therapy were Charles Dotter and Andreas Grüntzig, a radiologist and an angiologist. The former, very robust personality, loved to use robust equipment, the latter a diligent character preferred the use of finer instrumentation. Remarkable as it is, the dichotomy of these two men had influenced manufacturing of endovascular products for many years on, up to the present. Now some twenty years after their death, Dotter suffered from coronary artery disease, Grüntzig died in a crash as pilot of Cessna while weathering a storm approaching the mid-Eastern coast, rigid adherence to the petrified dichotomy principles appears no longer justified.

Concept21 is convinced that due to the enormous progress in catheter-based technology the time for new strategic design, development and production of endovascular instrumentation has come.

Concept21 offers you:
  • Analysis of your endovascular products for systemic endovascular applications
  • Design of new marketing strategies for systemic endovasular products
  • Consulting in development of systemic endovascular sets
  • Consulting in development of innovative new products for integrated vascular applications
If you are interested to learn more about integrated vascular management, please contact us.